Confronting Overload: How to Discuss Workload with Your Boss

Confronting Overload: How to Discuss Workload with Your Boss

This course is designed to help professionals have effective and helpful conversations with their managers using the right strategies so that they can get relief from workloads that, at times, can be soul-sucking, especially in the corporate world.

Target Audience

This course focuses on the professionals, including:

  • Working Professionals
  • Individuals who just started working
  • Anyone who wants to learn about the importance of when to speak for yourself in workplaces

Course Prerequisites

No level of experience is required for this course from the individuals. Any professional working in any kind of work level or dynamic can join this course. Moreover, any individual who wants to learn different strategies in order to keep the thoughts of workload or any concern for that matter in front of their management team.


This course will help you:

  • Understand your work limits, which may be physically and/or mentally.
  • Strategies on how to reach out to your manager related to an intense workload.
  • Equip you with knowledge of setting healthy boundaries for your mental well-being.
  • How to effectively communicate with your manager that you really are overloaded.

Topics Covered

You will learn about the following topics:

  • Importance of Communication at Workplace
  • Practical Tools to Effectively Express Your Workload to Direct Manager
  • Setting Healthy Boundaries for a Stable Life
  • How to Calculate and Prove your ACTUAL Workload

Course Modules

This course has only one module, which will focus on the following:

  • What is a Higher Workload?
  • How do you know if you are exhausted due to a heavy workload?
  • How do you communicate your work-related needs to the boss?
  • Difference between being assertive and talk politely while talking about expressing your mental exhaustion
  • Reliable tools and solutions that can show the true number of people you’re working for and the total amount of hours you’re actually working.
  • Showing your boss your true workload may be considerably higher than they realize.

By the End of this Course

You will gain deep insight into different tools and ways to express to your direct manager your workload, which is leaving you with mental exhaustion.

Enroll Now

It is better to talk about your mental stress because of too much work before you reach a saturation point, but it’s hard to get relief if you cannot prove how overworked you actually are. That’s what you’ll learn by enrolling in the “Confronting Overload: How to Discuss Workload with Your Boss” course.

Talking to your Boss when you're Overloaded

Talking to your Boss when You're Overloaded

When we get overloaded at work, we'd like to say something, but many of us have multiple managers on multiple projects. They don't really care about your other commitments as long as you get their stuff done.  This is when you need to talk to your direct/line manager, but what's an effective strategy to get them to do something about it?

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