College Financial Aid Secrets: Save Thousands!

College Financial Aid

If you have kids preparing for college, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO. It can prevent you from making tens of thousands of dollars in mistakes you’ll never even know you made.

Dr. Kevin Bukatman helps the parents of high school students understand the challenges and opportunities in financial aid for college/university.  This hour-long video details specific “Do’s” and “Do Not’s” to help parents and students make educated decisions in school selection alongside finding and requesting different forms of financial aid.

As with all Epee courses, we provide actual experience to help you avoid making costly mistakes. This is one of the most costly we’ve come across.

Since parents already expect college to be exorbitantly expensive, they don’t question it when their expectation is met.  Without understanding financial aid options, programs, and even the calculation methods, families will very likely take on tens of thousands of dollars of unnecessary debt while leaving tens of thousands of dollars in aid on the table. Dr. Bukatman is also available for consultation upon request.

College Financial Aid - What you don't know can cost you tens of thousands of dollars!

College Financial Aid - What you don't know can cost you tens of thousands of dollars!

This hour-long video looks at the "Do's" and "Do Not's" to help parents and students make educated decisions in college selection alongside finding and requesting different forms of financial aid.

We expect college to be exorbitantly expensive, so we don't question it when that expectation is met.  Without understanding financial aid options, programs, and even the calculation methods, it's very likely that families will take on tens of thousands of dollars of unnecessary debt while leaving tens of thousands of dollars in aid on the table...and have no idea it ever happened.

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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 1:03:20
Lectures: 1
Level: Beginner

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