Creating a College List: Fantasy vs. Reality

Dr. Kevin Bukatman from College Planning Service USA talks with us about creating a list of potential colleges and universities. This is perhaps the most important part of the entire college application process.

This course tackles the factors that go into creating the best list of schools for a student.

  • How many schools should a student apply to?
  • Would a large, medium, or small college or university be best?
  • Can we match the potential college major with the best schools offering that major?
  • Are “brand name” universities always the best choice?

Starting with the best information will result in a list of schools that both students and parents can be happy about.

Creating a College List: Fantasy vs. Reality

Creating a College List: Fantasy vs. Reality

Dr. Kevin Bukatman from College Planning Service USA talks with us about creating a list of potential colleges and universities. This is perhaps the most important part of the entire college application process.

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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 42:00
Lectures: 1
Level: Beginner

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