Building Strong Professional Bonds: Insider Tips

Building Strong Professional Bonds

This course addresses many young professionals’ challenges in navigating professional relationships effectively. Michael Asher, Director of Operations at Haskell, shares invaluable insights on distinguishing between personal and professional relationships and cultivating solid and productive connections with customers and clients in the workplace. This course is essential for anyone transitioning from college to the professional world.

Target Audience

This course gives confidence to young professionals and individuals entering the workforce. If you want to build strong professional relationships, this course is perfect for you. Individuals like:

  • Recent College Graduates
  • Young Professionals
  • Career Changers
  • Students preparing for internships or entry-level positions

Course Prerequisites

This course does not require prior experience. It suits individuals in all career stages who wish to enhance their understanding of professional relationships.


This course will help you.

  • Differentiate between personal and professional relationships.
  • Understand the importance of personal relationships in business success.
  • Learn strategies to cultivate strong relationships within your organization.
  • Develop practical communication skills for professional interactions.
  • Build rapport and trust with colleagues, clients, and customers.

Topics Covered

The course covers essential topics related to building and maintaining solid professional bonds:

  • Differentiating between personal and professional relationships
  • Importance of Professional Relationships in Business
  • Strategies for building relationships within your company
  • Building relationships with customers and clients
  • Effective communication in professional settings
  • Establishing trust and rapport
  • Overcoming Challenges in Professional

Course Modules

The course consists of six main modules, each focusing on critical aspects of building strong professional relationships:

Module 1 – Welcome & Agenda

Module 2 – Introduction

Module 3 – Relationships

Module 4 – Lifecycle of a Relationship (and a Project)

Module 5 – Emotions as Tools

Module 6 – Key Takeaways & Closing

By the End of This Course

You will comprehensively understand how to navigate and cultivate strong professional relationships. Equipped with practical strategies and insights from Michael Asher, you will be prepared to build meaningful connections within your organization and with external stakeholders, contributing to your professional success and satisfaction.

Enroll Now

Prepare for success in the professional world by enrolling in “Building Strong Professional Bonds: Insider Tips.” Gain valuable insights and practical skills to establish and maintain strong professional relationships that drive career growth and organizational success.

Welcome & Agenda

Welcome & Agenda

Michael briefly touches on his experience in the life sciences industry, as well as the agenda topics of discussion



This lesson introduces the idea that business in any industry is built on relationships and trust, so it’s useful to understand how to best interact with and serve customers 


What is a Relationship?

Discover the different types of relationships and the components that define a healthy relationship

Lesson 1: Professional Relationships

Explore the differences between personal and professional relationships, key things that are true about all relationships, and when to proceed with caution 

Thought Exercise

Michael explores how thinking about how one feels is easier than attempting to recall specific facts about a situation – and ponders why that is

Lesson 2: The Role of Emotions

This lesson addresses how powerful emotions are in our day-to-day experiences, and how our awareness of emotions is actually quite beneficial in business

Lifecycle of a Relationship (and a Project)

Lifecycle of a Relationship (and a Project)

Michael draws parallels between the Kubler-Ross model (known for the 5 stages of grief) and the natural progression of a relationship or project

Emotions as Tools

Emotions as Tools

People are naturally emotional, so being aware of that fact enables us to do more with our professional roles

Lesson 1: Positive Emotions

Michael details examples of positive emotions, why these emotions are motivating, and how to maintain them through certain actions.

Lesson 2: Negative Emotions

This lesson dives into how negative emotions can be useful tools for driving change, such as in sales when people can vent about their pain points

Key Takeaways & Closing

Key Takeaways

Michael recaps the key takeaways, including how to maintain relationships

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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 33:13
Lectures: 11
Level: Beginner

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