Why Become an Instructor?

Use your Skills to Help
By sharing your experience and professional stories, you can help the future generation learn critical skills they are never taught in school.

Solve a Societal Problem
People gripe about the gap between academia and real-life but never actually do anything about it. By working with Epee, you become part of the solution!

Personal Branding around the World
Working exclusively with experienced professionals is what makes Epee special. Our instructors gain global exposure for their contributions.
Who Becomes Instructors?
We work with individual professionals and entire professional societies. Epee will build a library for your content to bridge the gap between academic theory and actual experience in your industry. The library is free to create; we just ask that you help send people to watch it!
Individual Professionals
- 5+ years of demonstrated field expertise.
- Ability to build and present engaging, effective, and relevant content.
- Show a clear passion for their field when they speak about it.
Professional Societies
- Leverage the power of virtual education.
- Chapters/Sections gain an international audience for your material.
- Monetize professional-level content to a global audience.
- Provide students with an order-of-magnitude more content without recruiting additional presenters.

What Instructors Do


Develop Curricula and Recording Schedule

Record Video(s)

Edit, Upload, and Launch the Course

Free Platform for Professional Societies
- Epee offers Professional Societies a free virtual-education platform!
- Epee will establish and curate your content library and create bio pages for your presenters.
- Professional Societies develop their own curriculum. You’re the experts!
- Professional Societies provide content/presenters, and direct members to view their courses on Epee.
- Epee charges members a low fee/view similar to purchasing a ticket on EventBrite or TicketMaster.
- Monetization Plan – Earn money every time professional-level content is viewed anywhere in the world.
- Student and Young Professional material must be offered for free. (Non-negotiable, core-mission.)
Why is it free? Our Founder started Epee specifically to help all the Professional Societies. From his own work, he knows the Societies are the best source of experience to provide the “bridging” education to their students and young professionals. He built Epee so every Professional Society could have the resources to take advantage of the virtual revolution in education with a common platform and a shared purpose.
To learn more about building a library and how monetization works, please reach out to us at admin@localhost

Presenters are encouraged to share their actual professional stories. Stories are memorable, so the information is more likely to stick.

Young professionals cannot know what the schools did not teach them, which leads to avoidable mistakes. Your real-world experience can help address this.